Om Ursula Fredriksson

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Hittills har Ursula Fredriksson skapat 9 blogginlägg för.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

As we approach the end of 2024, yet another year is coming to its end. And what an eventful year it has been for the Interket Group! We have completed our factory move to a brand-new facility in the UK. As well as continuing to supply and support our existing customers and partners, we have also

Av |2024-12-19T16:31:43+00:00december 19th, 2024|News|0 kommentarer

Come meet us @PackagingWorX Meeting in Amsterdam 4th-5ht of March

We are delighted to be partnering with the Global Business Research (GBR) Community on #PackagingWorX. Take the opportunity and listen to what Tim Pattison, our Managing Director for Interket Limited, has to share on the subject of Sustainability, Traceability and Authentification.

Av |2024-02-27T07:24:39+00:00februari 27th, 2024|News|0 kommentarer

Merry Christmas & Happy New label Year

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something! Every year, Operation Smile helps thousands more children living with cleft lip and cleft palate to better breathe, eat, speak and live lives of greater value. Interket support Operation Smile and their fantastic work and wishes you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Av |2023-12-18T11:59:35+00:00december 18th, 2023|News|0 kommentarer

The Interket Group divests their UK Stationery & Office Products business

The Interket Group has taken another step in streamlining the organisation to further increase focus on its core business. Interket Limited in the UK has today, the 1st August 2023 agreed to sell their UK Stationery & Office Products business to A4 Laser Labels Limited. “We at Interket UK have, and will continue

Av |2023-08-01T11:59:12+00:00augusti 1st, 2023|News|0 kommentarer

New Group Controller within the Interket Group

Mr Jason Wharmby has been appointed new Group Controller for the Interket Group as of January 2023. This is partly a new role within the group reporting directly to the CEO. Jason joined Interket in 2020 as Financial Director for our UK operations and has extensive experience from similar positions. Although his responsibilities will

Av |2023-01-31T07:12:29+00:00januari 31st, 2023|News|0 kommentarer

New Managing Director at Interket in the Netherlands

Mrs Anja Herzog has been appointed new Managing Director for Interket in the Netherlands as of July 2022. Anja joined the Interket Group in 2018 and has played a crucial role in the successful turnaround we have seen in Germany during the last years. Anja has an extensive international background from different leadership positions

Av |2022-07-11T06:47:44+00:00juli 11th, 2022|News|0 kommentarer

Clear focus with a new brand strategy

As part of Interket´s overall strategy to form a sustainable and solid business a new brand platform has taken form. The renewed brand strategy states a clearer way for Interket forward, what we are, what we are best at and what we want to become. "We are a European Group but we know

Av |2022-03-23T08:38:20+00:00oktober 15th, 2021|News|0 kommentarer

Schur Labels A/S acquire the Interket Group’s Danish operation

The Schur Group and the Interket Group have agreed on merging their Danish label activities into one company under the brand and ownership of Schur Labels A/S. The Interket Group will divest its operating business and assets within Denmark whilst, Interket A/S will remain the holding company for the Interket Group “The Danish

Av |2021-10-15T14:11:30+00:00oktober 15th, 2021|News|0 kommentarer
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